Matt (Founder, Design Specialist)
I’ve been an avid gamer for most of my life, but what really hooked my young mind was playing the 1984 edition of Shogun (Milton Bradley). The sprawling map, back-stabbing diplomacy, and epic miniatures… Discovering table-top role playing games a few years later sunk the nail in the proverbial coffin. And so, here we are today with me printing awesome miniatures of my own! By day doing average guy stuff, by night exploring the fathomless depths of nerd culture. Oh, right… I try to get outside every now and again!
Rae (Painting Specialist)
Tim (CAD Specialist)
Nick (Social Media Coordinator)
Hey there! So, I’m basically the social media guru for Inktree Miniatures (Matt is a little hopeless on this front… ahem… I mean… hopefully he doesn’t read this anytime soon). My job is to create interesting content and make sure our brand gets seen by as many people as possible! But trust me, it’s not all work and no play for me – I’ve got quite the collection of dad jokes that I’m always eager to share, whether it’s offline or online!